ORGANIC TABLE BY LAPAZ has been kindly supported by warm-hearted people from across the world.
We weren’t able to continue our journey without you all.
We appreciate from the bottom of our hearts.
You said “We’ll come back again,” and then we said “See you again.”
To your smile faces.
Someday again, until the day we say “welcome back.”
We will continuously be learning and making progresses.
Thank you.
We’re praying for your health and happiness.

“Enclosing a table with people from all over
the world”
ORGANIC TABLE BY LAPAZ was born in 2011 with the concept "Second Home."
~Sit around the Single Table With People From all over the World~
With a diversity of foods becoming commonplace and subdivisions are being made, we aim for a table is overflowing with love that bring from all over the world.
“Since 2011”
Life Stylist Yukari Ota opened LAPAZ with several specialists in 2011.
Before the restaurant, in order to make full use of the space, we started a lifestyle shop with furniture, sundries and works of art as well as various workshop events to help suggesting options for those in need of a new start.
In 2014, we reopened in Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo to focus on “food” and to be reborn as “ORGANIC TABLE BY LAPAZ.”